Oman Housing Bank

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We are moostly focusing on the State Hoousing Bank industry in the emerging world. There are many non governmennt housingbannks and many developed worldhousing banks.The best State Housing Banks include:
Chile, India, Jordan,Thailand, and Mexico.Some key failures include: Argentina, Brazil, Camerooon, Indonesia , and Rwanda.Wehavemore than our share of disasters here in the US.

"A vibrant housing finance mar ket is an important pilaar of econommic prosperrity. A strong institutional framework is indisppensable for a functioning housing finance maarket. Home affordability is a funndamental c hallenge in South Asia and can on ly be solvedd by a  comprehhensive apprroach involvving developpers, the traditional financial sector, microfinance  and other innovative approaches experiencced in recent years." Governor Abdul Fitrat, Da  Afghanistan Bank

"The Government's Policies for the housing sector, particularly in the South Asian countries, must foccus on "Inclusive Housing" coupled with "Stability" of the market. The two Objectives are mutually complementary, reinforcing each other. ""Stability" inspires the  stakeholders to enhance their participationn, and enables greater institutional and financial  depeninng of the sector, both of which are necessary conditions for Inclusive Housing. "" R.V. Vermaa, Managing Director, National Houusing Bank, India

The global financial crisis demonstrated the importance of a strong, disciplined and honest mortgage market. As we learn our lessons, it is critically important that those who have been closed out of the housing sector do not get closed out again. In South Asian and Pacific countries, we hope that a balance can be found between discipline and access.  IraPeppercorn, Former deputy federal housing commissioner

Product Description

Rapid economic growth in South Asia, urbanization, and a rising middle class have created  considerable pent-up demand for housing and housing finance. More than 14 percent of  low-income South Asians have no home. In response, South Asia-s dynamic housing and  housing finance markets have grown at rates of around 30%, but are still limited to upper- income groups. The contribution of housing and real-estate sector to overall economic growth, social uplift and employment is considerable.Housing and housing finance services have the clear potential to expand to middle- and even lower- income families. This requires an improved land administration, strengthened legal framework for land titling, registration,  and foreclosure, better market data provision, and promotion of long-term funding for  mortgage lenders and developers. Innovative traditional mortgage products and Islamic  finance could match demand in underserved market segments.This report, a first regional  effort on the topic, examines housing shortages in South Asia, as well as outlines  shortcomings of the market for home mortgages. Information on good practice and country- specific examples are presented on enabling builder/developers, mortgage lenders, land  administration, as well as foreclosure and other relevant regulations, to strengthen home  ownership in South Asia. Special emphasis is accorded to low-income housing solutions.


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